A Unique, Psychic Medium and Healer
I believe everyone has Spirit guides, angels, and loved ones who have passed and who collectively create a personal, Spiritual team. I channel to deliver messages to you from your team.
Your team likely has one or two guardian angels, assigned to you at your creation. Angels are beings of light and love, they precede all organized, human religions and are messengers from your creator. Deceased humans and beloved pets on your team are those who loved you, and often ancestors show up too. Some Spiritual Team members are chosen by you, and can include ascended masters, and other entities from the universe. Everyone is different.
Although I earned a Bachelor of Science and a Masters of Business Administration degree, my career was in non-profit management. I've worked for schools, performing arts, visual arts, and the human service field. Throughout my life, my spiritual journey has played an important role in my life-work balance as angels and Spirit guides have been with me throughout to guide me.
My awakening began in 2007 when my angels brought forth my loved ones and acquaintances who had passed. Their messages, visions, and dreams helped me develop a deep sense of seeing, hearing, feeling and recognizing Spirit's presence. One friendly spirit would not let me ignore her, as she kept turning on a bathroom makeup mirror at 3 a.m., even after I had unplugged it from the socket.
In 2017, two incredible experiences with Spirit led me to earnestly develop my gifts. I found guidance from gifted, spiritual teachers, and began study, class work, and daily mediation. Recently, I’ve enrolled in Charlie Goldsmith’s classes to better understand my energy healing capabilities and how to use them.
Today, I work with clients regularly in person, on-line, and at Metaphysical fairs. I channel directly with Sprit, and use Angel Oracle Cards for messages, and a pendulum for divination. I continue to practice my healing modality, that allows me to move universal, healing energy where it is needed. I am certified in Usui Reiki I and II, and incorporate some Reiki elements to deliver healing.
I am honored to be able to deliver strong, vivid, loving, divine messages and energy to help and heal. I welcome the opportunity to schedule a confidential reading with you.
Email me at teresa@teresamary.com